As everyone has overdosed on indulgent, sugary treats over Christmas, I ask you to forgive me for this one indulgent, sickly-sweet post, and shall counterbalance it with the promise that my normal sour, bitter self will be present in every other post. Now, I could be really predictable and talk about New Year's Resolutions, but I'll spare you. Instead, I'll be really predictable and talk about Doctor Who.* This Christmas we lost Matt Smith (the 11th Doctor, stop arguing Tumblr.**) I'm the first to say I'm going to miss him, even as I look forward to Capaldi's Doctor with great anticipation. There was a beautiful speech given just before the regeneration, which was rather deep for a Doctor who (haha) wears silly hats and eats fish fingers with custard...and it made me think. Last year was, overall, one of the strangest and hardest years of my life. There was bereavement, displacement, loneliness, birth, friendship, fun...I spent half the time trapped in one place, then began a new life in another; finding new ideas about life, work, culture, university, growing up... Two beautiful new baby cousins, my first ever, the loss of my wonderfully eccentric grandad... I feel like I've changed a lot since this time last year. Sometimes I don't whether that is good or bad. And well, here was this Doctor, my hero, talking about change.
*brushes away a tear* |
Isn't that beautiful? And it's so right. Change is about moving forward, but looking back occasionally to see how far you've come. I realise this is quite soppy, but trust me, it's things like that which sometimes just keep me moving forward. So, hello 2014... I'm going to keep on moving, keep on posting and embrace every opportunity. 2014, be good to me and I'll give you a big hug.
Just like this:
The hills are allllliivvvveeee with the sound of musiccccccc! |
See you soon everyone...normal service shall resume very very soon!
*Cue cheering. Bring out the fezes. Can any moaners please be escorted from the building. WHOVIANS UNITE!
**11th Doctor, 12th regeneration, body 12:
Hartnell 1st Doc No regen (born) 1st body
Troughton 2nd Doc 1st regen 2nd body
Pertwee 3rd Doc 2nd regen 3rd body
Baker 4th Doc 3rd regen 4th body
Davison 5th Doc 4th regen 5th body
Baker 6th Doc 5th regen 6th body
McCoy 7th Doc 6th regen 7th body
McGann 8th Doc 7th regen 8th body
Hurt War 8th regen 9th body
Eccleston 9th Doc 9th regen 10th body
Tennant 10th Doc 10th regen 11th body
Tennant x2 Metacrisis Doc 11th regen (energy used) 11th body
Smith 11th Doc 12th regen 12th body
That took a ridiculously long time to type out, so it best be appreciated.